Dave Heiniger Dave Heiniger

On Building a Contract at Home

At Chisholm Creek Academy contracts create a framework for success, family contracts can do the same at home. By taking the time to draft, discuss, and sign agreements, families can cultivate a culture of responsibility, trust, and personal growth.

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Renee Weed Renee Weed

On Choices

According to John Hattie in his book “Visible Learning” 89% of the talking in a traditional classroom is done by the teacher… and 80% of that talking is the teacher giving commands or asking questions with a one to three word answer.

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Shelly Frank Shelly Frank

Our Hero’s Journey

As parents, we want what is best for our child, but we had the feeling we failed him. He wasn’t thriving at this school either. It made us question, “Did we make the right choice”? “Would he ever see the potential we see in him”? “Will he ever feel confident and know how smart he is”?

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Dave Heiniger Dave Heiniger

On New Year’s Resolutions

It's January 2, 2024. Quick show of hands: how many of us have already faltered on our New Year’s Resolutions? It’s okay; we can help.

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Renee Weed Renee Weed

Multi-Age Studios

What do multi-age studios and a one-room schoolhouse vibe really contribute to our learners? There is the obvious and the more subtle. As a guide, I am privileged to witness all kinds of amazing interactions on a daily basis. If you have more than one child you may know some of what I am referring to. I fear the beauty of all these ages working together is more complex than I may be able to express here, but I am going to try.

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Nicholas Nelson Nicholas Nelson

The Cost of Order

This Tuesday will mark one month that I have been serving as a guide at Chisholm Creek Academy and it has been a ride.

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Dave Heiniger Dave Heiniger

On The Laughter of Learners

Our learners are starting to settle into a routine, which means I can sit down and try to accomplish one or two things off my ever-compounding to-do list, but I'm distracted by all the laughter coming out of the studios.

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Dave Heiniger Dave Heiniger

Socratic Discussions or 20 Questions?

Imagine you're on a treasure hunt, and you have a map with a clue on it. But the clue is in code, and you need to figure out what it means. So, you ask a series of questions to help you decode the message and find the treasure.

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Dave Heiniger Dave Heiniger

Why Do Quests?

Quests are important (and fun!) because they require everyone to use their unique skills and talents to solve problems.

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Dave Heiniger Dave Heiniger

It’s DEAR Time!

DEAR time is a special time set aside each day where we put down our pencils, turn off our screens, and dive into a good book.

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Dave Heiniger Dave Heiniger

Montessori in Edmond?

Are you looking for a better educational model for your child? Have you heard of Montessori learning, but you're not sure if it’s the best fit? Or are you loving it and just need to find the right Edmond – OKC area Montessori school? We welcome you to Chisholm Creek Academy…

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Dave Heiniger Dave Heiniger

Why Start a School?

To put it simply, we are not satisfied with the level of education that is currently offered for children on either the public or private level.

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