It’s DEAR Time!

Let's talk about DEAR TIME! DEAR stands for "Drop Everything And Read," and it's a program that we've implemented at CCA to encourage a love of reading among our learners.

DEAR time is a special time set aside each day where we put down our pencils, turn off our screens, and dive into a good book. Whether it's a classic novel, a graphic novel, or a non-fiction book, DEAR time allows learners to explore different genres and find what they love!

But DEAR isn't just about reading, it's also about fostering a love of learning and encouraging creativity. As a child reads, they're transported to different worlds, they meet new characters, and learn new things. They develop their imagination and creativity, improve their vocabulary and comprehension skills, and gain a greater appreciation for literature.

We know that reading is an important part of a child's education. So, in addition to our Deep Book requirement, DEAR is an essential part of our literacy program. What are some of your favorite reads?


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