Why Start a School?

To put it simply, we are not satisfied with the level of education that is currently offered for children on either the public or private level. Overworked and understaffed teachers force curriculum down the throats of kids who have lost their love of learning. Bureaucratic nightmares wrapped in red tape make change slow, if not completely impossible. This is not to say teachers themselves are bad. We can all remember teachers that fostered our love of learning and genuinely cared about us. But when a system regularly fails to educate over 60% of its charges... the system is failing. We can do better. Much better. Learners deserve better.

They deserve to be taught HOW to think, not WHAT to think. They deserve to have their creativity cultivated and fed, not crushed and controlled. We believe that the Acton model allows for, and fosters creativity. It eliminates red tape and bureaucracy and solves many of the issues with the current education system.

Acton Academy Edmond OKC Head of School Dave Heiniger

Montessori in Edmond?