Socratic Discussions or 20 Questions?

At CCA, we teach HOW to think, not WHAT to think. One of the biggest ways we do this is through SOCRATIC DISCUSSIONS! Socratic discussion is like a game of "20 questions" but for learning! Imagine you're on a treasure hunt, and you have a map with a clue on it. But the clue is in code, and you need to figure out what it means. So, you ask a series of questions to help you decode the message and find the treasure.

That's exactly what Socratic discussion is like, except instead of treasure, we're searching for knowledge and understanding. And instead of a map, we have a topic or concept that we're trying to explore. We ask questions to help us understand the topic, and we encourage everyone to share their own ideas and perspectives. There are no wrong answers! This way, we can all work together to solve the mystery and find the knowledge treasure.

Socratic discussion is important because it helps us to think critically and independently. And it's a lot of fun! Plus, it helps us to understand the material better and remember it for longer.

When was the last time you played 20 Questions with friends and it lead to great learning?!


Small Class Sizes Benefit All


Why Do Quests?