Parent Contract
Like the Learners and ourselves, we hold parents accountable through a contract. By signing below, you agree to abide by the policies and standards of Chisholm Creek Academy as outlined in the Parent Information Pack, Student Contract, Application, and guidance material provided by CCA, as well as the below pledges.
We will support our Learners in discovering a calling that will change the world. We respect Chisholm Creek Academy’s studios as self-paced learning environments where our Learners have elected to take charge of their own educations, self-govern, self-direct, and self-discipline through the delegation of certain rights by owners, guides, and parents. In facing challenges, we will refer to this Parent Contract and the Studio Contract that our Learners develop, for guidance on our Hero’s Journey.
We recognize the wisdom of championing how to think, instead of what to think. We will empower our Learners to search for answers on their own, using the multitude of modern knowledge bases available, and allow Guides to focus on support, challenges, and Big Questions our Learners have and need.
We will allow our Learners to fail early, in a low-stakes environment, and as often as necessary, without solving their problems. In the event our Learners struggle, we will refer to the Hero’s Journey for Parents before acting. We agree that in the midst of frustration, chaos in the studio, or in facing complaints or a victim mentality, we will not allow these negative behaviors to define our voices or our homes. Instead, we will offer encouragement and love, and ask questions as a Guide would, to help our Learners reach a constructive outcome. We will praise our Learner’s effort far more than their outcomes, as we recognize grit is what truly determines real-life success.
We will celebrate our Learners’ progress in earning Weekly Points, Badges, and Positive 360 Peer Coaching Reviews according to the learning plan we create. We will act, if needed, to remove distractions like gaming, video streaming, or social media. We will support our Learners in overcoming resistance, procrastination, and decision paralysis. And we will help our Learners redirect feelings of victimhood into creativity, so they can thrive.
We will remain lifelong learners and each will have an active learning project (such as a book or self-improvement project) at all times to discuss with our children.
Our family will develop and post a Family Plan by our second week at CCA and have Family Meetings at weekly scheduled intervals.
At least one parent or guardian will attend each session’s Portfolio Review.
We will collaborate with our Learner(s) and CCA to support our Learner(s) on their Hero’s Journey.
We will deliver our Learners to campus before 8:30 am and will pick up our Learners promptly at 3:30 pm. We understand that Learners who arrive late may not be able to participate in that morning’s Launch, and may be assigned further discipline. Furthermore, we fully understand and agree with the consequences of a late pickup.
We will make tuition payments on time.
Will will provide timely notice to CCA of any changes in status which would affect the answers we provided in our Application.
In the event a dispute arises from any event relating to this Parent Contract, we agree to resolve our issues privately through direct negotiation or private mediation and to not publicly debate the dispute in court or on the internet.