Welcome to Chisholm Creek Academy where we champion
HOW to think,
WHAT to think.


Chisholm Creek Academy is a private school built on the principle that children should be taught HOW to think instead of WHAT to think! Our goal is to partner with you and your child to show them how to take personal responsibility for their own education, learning, and future.


 To put it simply, we are not satisfied with the level of education that is currently offered for children on either the public or private level. The purpose of education is not the regurgitation of facts to pass a test. Learners deserve better. 

They deserve to be taught HOW to think, not WHAT to think. This is the purpose of education. Learners deserve to have their creativity cultivated and fed, not crushed and controlled. The Chisholm Creek Academy model allows for and fosters creativity. It eliminates red tape and bureaucracy and solves many of the issues present in the traditional education system.


We are located in NW Oklahoma City
6000 NW 120th Ct. Oklahoma City OK 73162


We believe in fostering a deep sense of ownership for one’s own choices. We believe in the power of community, deep friendships, and accountability. We believe that in doing these things, we support learners in building their lifelong Epic Story. Then, inspired by their calling, they will go forth and change the world!


Rolling admissions means you can start quickly and begin the admission process at any point during the year. We want to make sure we are a good fit, both your family in general and your learner in particular.

  • We start with Small Class Sizes so no one gets lost in the shuffle. Each learner is part of a deep and meaningful community designed to foster responsibility, relationships, and respect.

    Individualized Learning Plans are the core of how each learner learns. Learners are able to move at their own pace and speed, building mastery of their topics.

    No Homework. Ever. Learners are taught to maximize their time at school.

    We don't teach to the test. Instead, we focus on giving our learners tools that teach them how to think.

    We focus on Learning Design, training our learners in three key areas: (1) learning to learn, (2) learning to do, and (3) learning to be.

    We train with an entrepreneurial mindset in that our learners look at the world, see a problem, and say, “I can fix that!”

    Daily Socratic Discussions foster independent critical thinking, complex problem-solving, and social-emotional development.

    Quest-based learning are deep dives into subjects from art to engineering or coding to gardening. This provides our learners with hands-on opportunities to explore with real-world applications.

    Public Exhibitions parade our learners' achievements before friends and family and provide an opportunity for them to show their growth and mastery of individual topics.

    Regular Portfolio Reviews provide learners with the opportunity to showcase their work as well as provide parents with the opportunity to check in on academic goals and growth while also getting insight and input into the future plans of each individualized learning plan.

    Electives from astronomy and robotics to art and cooking. As the learners choose their areas of Interest for outside activities, there is no end to their enrichment opportunities.

    Practical Tools allow our learners to grab hold of their own education and run with it. From SMART goals to leadership council, town halls to peer reviews, we provide instruments that will serve our learners well for the rest of their lives.

    Individualized Learning Spaces Learners have autonomy and responsibility in where they learn best, from quiet rooms to group projects, desks, or on the floor. They determine where they will accomplish the most.

    Fostering a deep love of reading. Library trips, DEAR (Drop Everything And Read), and an ever-expanding book collection provide our learners with ample opportunities to read whatever they want as often as possible.

    Apprenticeships We have our learners start apprenticeships as early as Elementary age. Apprenticeship is one of our most transformational challenges. The apprenticeship process equips learners to find and secure apprenticeships with little to no assistance from adults. Step by step, learners find and land just the right stepping stone job towards a calling – all on their own.

    Ready to learn more? Click Here